15,000+ delegates
150+ visiting countries
500 speakers
14 parallel tracks
100+ side events
400+ investors
500 accredited media
300 exhibitors
73% C-level attendance

Webit Festival is a B2B and B2G lifetime and career-changing experience celebrating business and professional connections.

Webit gathers the world’s global leaders under the theme Preview the Future to fix and co-create the desirable future together. The future is empowered by the UN’s SDGs and built on inclusion, resilience, a responsible lifestyle, and well-being for all!


Webit trailer

Join our Previous Speakers

Webit is hosting some of the world's brightest minds, most impactful individuals and innovators speaking.

Sir Martin Sorrell
Sir Martin Sorrell

Founder & Executive Chairman, S4 Capital

Tim Draper
Tim Draper

Global venture capitalist - SpaceX, Tesla and many more

Jeff Maggioncalda
Jeff Maggioncalda

CEO, Coursera

Liz Oakes
Liz Oakes

EVP, Mastercard Send

Saskia Steinacker
Saskia Steinacker

VP Digital Transformation, Bayer

Erik Schmidt
Erik Schmidt

Co-Founder, Schmidt Futures; Former CEO, Google

Julia White
Julia White

Chief Marketing Officer and Solutions, SAP

Ofir Eyal
Ofir Eyal

CEO at Rakuten Viber

Gen Tsuchikawa
Gen Tsuchikawa

CEO, Sony Ventures Corporation

Robert Metzke
Robert Metzke

Head of Sustainability, Philips

Jean-Christophe Laloux
Jean-Christophe Laloux

Director General, EIB

Mike Federle
Mike Federle

CEO, Forbes

Matt Brittin
Matt Brittin

President of EMEA Business & Operations, Google

Stanley Bergman
Stanley Bergman

CEO, Henry Schein

“Webit is doing an enormous service.”

Eric Schmidt
Co-Founder, Schmidt Futures; Former CEO, Google

Webit Expo - Meet the global ecosystem and explore unparallel business opportunities in one place.

Founders Games - is the world’s largest Growth Stage Challenge with over 4500 company applications and a $6 million prize pool.

With over 100 Side events Webit will transform Sofia into a city wide festival full of learning and connection.

Our Mission is generating societal and environmental change through fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and exponential technologies.”

Plamen Russev, Ph.D
Executive Chairman, Webit.Foundation

They've supported Webit.

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The international event for the digital, technology and entrepreneurial ecosystem with special focus on EMEA.



One of the most important events dedicated to digital industries and entrepreneurship.



One of these events you should not miss!



The meteoric rise of Webit.


Bloomberg TV

The future is happening now, at Webit!

Bloomberg TV

Al Jazeera

The tech world gathers at Webit

Al Jazeera

The Wall Street Journal

One of the most influential global digital industry gatherings.

The Wall Street Journal

The Economist

Webit defines the innovation landscape in Europe.

The Economist

CNN Turk

Meet the future

CNN Turk


The premier gathering of global Founders.



Webit catalyzed the rise of the host city as a location for technology talent and investment.


Attend Webit

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