
General info about Webit eGov Summit

When citizens interact with their government, powerful things can happen.

e-Government and e-Governance mean doing more with small teams. It means exploiting global creativity and changing workplace models and traditional designs for carrying out missions. It means infusing old processes with new technology. It means unlocking stores of data that can inform people about their communities, and governments about decision making.

Technology has shown that transparency, participation, collaboration add up to increased efficiency for any industry. e-Government and e-Governance harnesses this same effect for the public good.

Webit eGov Summit is an event for the region of South-Eastern Europe and the Danube region that will gather in Bulgaria all the players is the Electronic Government, e-Services, eGov Information security and Trustworthy e-ID services,  e-Health and e-infrastructure.

Webit eGov Summit will showcase the real-world application of contemporary technologies in government and municipal sectors and will show government employees and contractors how to apply technology best practices to government programs, and in turn introduce new companies to the government market.


When and where

Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th May,  2010
National Palace of Culture
Sofia, Bulgaria


Organized by: Under the patronage: Platinum sponsor: Gold sponsor: Media partners: Partners: Technical partner: Under the patronage of mayor of Sofia: Strategic partner: With the support of: